Performance playing Lithuanian tango
In my art-work I have been pursuing ideas that are meant to capture a moment and to hold onto it. Eventually finding that I no longer want to hold onto the ephemeral, but rather become an instrument of expression creating living art in the moment. In this work I play with memories and speak about the longing of experiencing another person’s closeness. I talk about the perfect unity that once in a while we are able to create with one another, but that eventually ruptures. To express these feelings of nostalgia and longing for this bond, I play an old tune of Lithuanian tango. Since I feel that tango is the dance that captures the sense of complexity in creating a moment of perfect intimacy with a stranger that eventually has to break and sometimes might break many times during the dance. This moment of perfect accord between the two people creates a bubble or an intimate universe, which is born out of desire to re-experience a sense of perfect flow reminding of an early unity between the mother and her child.
I Love this one !!!
Thank you:)